Friday, January 8, 2021

Mindset Digital Product School Mastery

 Digital Product School Mastery  

You’ve decided, wisely, that creating products is the next step you’d like to take in your business. You realize that it’s very important to have your own products because it can help boost your income and authority.

But, are you really ready? I hope you are and I think you are. With that said, I’ve spoken with many, many business owners who know that they should be creating and releasing products but there’s something that holds them back.

In some cases, it’s fear. It’s always scary to try something new. What if your product fails? What if your customers all ask for refunds? That’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the terrible things that could happen if you release a product and it goes wrong.

After all, it’s your reputation on the line. There are certainly those product creators who are only in it for the money and who don’t care much at all about the quality. But that’s not you. You care so much about the quality and doing right by your customers… and by yourself.

So, maybe you hold yourself back. Maybe it’s easier that way.


 It’s easier to keep providing services or selling other people’s products as an affiliate or on commission. It’s easier to continue building someone else’s business instead of building your own business.

Or, maybe you think you just don’t have what it takes to create a product. There’s a lot that goes into it, you reason. Do you really know how to write an ebook, create a video, or format an audio file? You might not, if you’ve never done it before. Again, it’s easier to stick with what you know.

Today, I’d like you to be honest with yourself. Is there anything different or better about those who are releasing products and who earn incredible incomes with their products? Absolutely not… you’re just as smart and you have just as much to share with the world.

I can tell you this—a huge, huge portion of my success comes from releasing my own products. If I didn’t have a large stable of high performing, high quality products, and with that inventory of products, a nice number of graet affiliates who use my products to make money for both them and me, I don’t know where I’d be.

I release products to earn money, sure, but I also release products in the hopes that they’ll really help people. So whenever I doubt myself (and I still do, despite the fact that I’ve been very successful with product creation), I force myself to remember the people.

Is the product you want to release going to help people? Is it going to smooth their path? Is it going to impact people in a positive way?

If so (and of course your answer’s yes), then you owe it to people to release your product. Push your fear and self-doubt aside. No one hits it out of the park every single time. Your first product might sell like crazy or it might not. But you’ll be taking a step in the right direction.

My first product sold exactly one copy on the Warrior Special Offer forum. But the good news is that the buyer didn’t ask for a refund, so it must have helped him or her. ?

There was no shame, no panic, I went on to create more products, and a couple of them sold over 5,000 copies.

You can do the same, and I’ll bet you sell more than one copy.

Releasing a product is nowhere as scary as you think it might be. In fact, it can be empowering. There’s nothing different or special about those who are already releasing products. You’re just as good as already-established product creators.

Sure, you might have to acquire some skills along the way, just as you would with any business venture. At the heart of it is understanding what the people of your audience need and want. You have to figure out what their passions, needs, desires, and problems are and create products that hit those pressure points.

You can easily develop the skills you need to write an info product, or record a video product, or an audio product. That’s not really anything to worry about.

Just don’t forget about the other important piece of the puzzle—getting into the mindset of a product creator.

What Is The Mindset Of A Product Creator?

There are two different areas of mindset that we can explore right now. First, it’s the mindset that products are easy and important to create. It becomes a mission for you—and then a way of life and way of running your business.

The mindset of a product creator is that you absolutely can create incredible products, if you put your mind to it. There’s nothing standing in your way. If there’s a technical hurdle, you can easily learn it or get around it.

The other part of the mindset of a product creator is knowing that the product is bigger than yourself. You’re not just releasing the product to earn money; you’re releasing the product because you know it can help people in really important ways.

If you have your audience in mind at all times, the product isn’t “just a product”—it’s something that can truly be life changing for people.

And here’s another nice thing to keep in mind. Those people whose life you’re changing or improving in some way, big or small… you don’t know them. You might never know them. They might never tell you that you helped them. Or someday they might, and those days are truly special and memorable.

That’s the mindset I have when I create my products. I always think of the people who will be consuming the product at the other end of things. I think of what they need and want.

I think about what they haven’t gotten from other products they’ve purchased and what I can offer that no one else has. I think of these things because it sets me apart as a product creator.

I also have my Reason Why and goals in mind when I create products. I’m not just creating them on a whim—they’re part of something greater for me and for my audience.

Part of my reason why is to help people. I don’t want people to be stuck in their business or feel that they will never achieve. I want to help people achieve.

I also have big goals (HUGE goals) for my business and products are a big part of the way I’m going to get there.

What’s your Reason Why?

What are your goals—both short and long term?

Figure that out and figure out how product creation fits in. I think you’ll find that everything suddenly becomes clearer. You’ll see that product creation isn’t a big, scary, impossible task… it’s something that can transform your business and change the lives of your customers.

I might be biased because so much of my business revolves around product creation. At the same time, I know how simple it really is and how life changing it can be and I think it’s a path you should consider. Get into the mindset of a product creator and see where that takes you

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