Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds By David Goggins

Many people live their lives according to the lies that they believe about themselves. Sometimes these lies come from outside influences that tell you what you are or are not capable of.

But most of the time, these lies are what you accept within yourself as the truth. The key to changing that is by challenging these lies. The book, Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds, teaches how you can break through and transform your life.

The book focuses on becomingmentally tough so that you don’t give in to self-defeating thoughts andbehaviors and inadvertently derail your own success. In the book, you’ll discover that your only limits are the ones that you place on yourself.

You’ll discover that the ability to achieve what you want is really all up to you. The author, David Goggins, begins telling you that you must face yourself. One of the problems is that many people aren’t completely honest with themselves.

They don’t face up to their failings and doubts. They live a life of good enough, one that’s less than 100% of what they could be, what they were meant to be. Goggins teaches readers to address your life in all aspects, whether it’s what you’re doing in your career, in your relationships, with your finances or with your health.

Can't Hurt Me

Once you identify what the obstacle is that’s preventing you from reaching the success you want, then you have the power to overcome it. You’ll discover why and how you need to set goals so that you’re in charge of turning your dreams into reality.

The book is proof that by setting small milestones and achieving them, you can master long term goals. Imagination is one of the keys found in the book. By picturing what it is you want your life to look like, you can develop the mental strategy to hang in there until you do reach that point.

As you picture what it is that you want from life, you can imagine how you’ll feel and what you’ll see. As you imagine, you can picture the roadblocks and how you’ll get past those.

By mentally seeing what you want, it prepares you to reach the goal. In the book, you’ll learn why trying to do less than your best or less than you should might get you to the finish line, but it sets a precedent of not giving 100% that can weaken your personal or professional triumphs.

You’ll learn that it’s not enough to master your work and then remain in the same circle. You should always be growing, learning and achieving. Increase your challenges each time you master one. 

One surprising theory that the book teaches is that when you do achieve a goal, don’t see that as the end but as the opportunity to do even more. Let one accomplishment propel you on to the next. Know the reason behind why you do what you do in your business. Understanding that will help keep you going when things get difficult.

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