Thursday, October 28, 2021

Google My Business -18 Checklist Local SEO with Regular GMB updates

To find out how to use Google My Business to increase your business’ visibility and drive new customers in through the door — even if you’ve never used GMB before.

If you want to promote your company to the right people, create content that is useful to them.

Get the free code to add your business to Google Maps. Even if you haven’t listed it yet.

Everybody Knows…

Every day, billions of people use Google to search for various products and services.

People search for local services, the nearest coffee shop, home repairs… you name it!

Google My Business is a platform that helps companies manage their presence online and make their business stand out.

One of the most important parts of the business profile is the fact that most users use Google to find businesses, so this gives a huge audience of users the ability to view and access the business’s profiles.

The Problem Is…

When it comes to using Google My Business (GMB), most small businesses don’t realize how much potential they have. They’re not able to utilize it to its full potential and get some astonishing results.

They lack a full understanding of the ins and outs of active reputation and relationship management.

It doesn’t make sense to create content and updates for the sake of having more of them.

And they just don’t have the time to think about it or they don’t know how.

In most cases, BOTH!

Well, the good news is for them, and the bad news is for you!

Because GMB helps to:

Increase businesses’ visibility…

Improving local SEO…

And most importantly, it gives new customers a reason to come into the store.

And since it’s exactly what every business wants, it creates an amazing opportunity you can take advantage of right now and make money!

Which is exactly why I created…

And the more we show ourselves, the better the chances are that people will notice us and seek us out…

The ultimate solution to help you become a complete Google My Business Professional and make boatloads of money in the process!

In this special Google My Business Checklist volume, I share the ultimate collection of strategies and little-known tactics to help you become a Google My Business master.

Once you’ve gone through the checklist inside you’ll have a clear structure to help you land clients and get them to focus on your service. This will help you skyrocket your business leveraging GMB.

And, for example,…

The strategies revealed inside are not about trying to create some kind of loophole in current regulations.

In other words…

These step-by-step checklists will give you wildly effective, step-by-step strategies that you can literally print out, put them on the corner of your desk, and implement the steps daily to see all but guaranteed results.

A complicated thing made simple.

We’ve put together a series of steps that anyone can follow as a guide to build your own design automated sales funnel

Every single strategy revealed inside will be actionable, easy to understand, and backed up with real experience and real results.

The important part about this Guide is that it’s delivered in a concise, easy to digest and follow-along checklists that you can keep on your desk for frequent reference as you continue making your already wildly profitable funnels… Even more profitable.

Another good day in approach the NewNormal Worklife Balance

 Once you know what's going to make you the most money or currently makes you the most money, that is the stuff you should be doing every single day to boost further It the The New Normal Work Life Balance

Really, this first one here is a mindset kind of thing, but copywriting is something that makes me a lot of money. I got to sell products; so I've got to write the advertisements for those products. I need to create those products as well; so product creation is something else that makes me a lot of money. And e-mail marketing -- to get people excited, to keep them in the loop, to build trust, to do all kinds of other stuff; so when I give them my offer of my product with really good copywriting -- make a lot of money.

And finally focus. Just being able to handle all of these tasks running a business and still be able to get a bunch of stuff done in a minimal amount of time. That's my most valuable skill.

So the trick to that is every single day I'm either creating a product, e-mail marketing, writing copy, and then I'm focusing. Whatever I'm doing I only want to focus on that one thing -- this, this, this, or this.

Now the interesting thing is most people don't do their most valuable skill every single day. They're too busy either messing around, or they're too busy working on minutia stuff that doesn't give them their big results.

So let's first of all -- you want to start out creating a list. If there's skills that aren't making you money right now, determine what three or four skills are going to make you the most money, and start doing at least one if not all of those every single day. Do something. Maybe it's a small thing, but you should at least do something every single day like that.

The cool thing here -- the other interesting thing is I play to my strengths. I've always been a very good writer. So these things are all writing for the most part, except for product creation. The other thing is I've just been a good communicator in general all my whole life; so I work on those strengths. I'm not very analytical, and the fact that I get bored very easily if I'm trying to analyze numbers and try to do all this weird traffic stuff. I don't like to do a lot of things; so I don't do those things for the most part. Those don't play up to my strengths.

So these are my most valuable skills that I'm also very good at naturally, that I have an inclination to be good at. These things I have proven made me a lot of money; so that's what I do.

It's like I say here -- do at least one of those skills every single day.

Now here is the real secret to getting a lot done in a little bit of time here: Do the most important thing first thing when you wake up or have time to work on your business

The next step here is to practice the art of simplicity. I always tell people -- stress this -- think less, not more. When people come to me with a big idea, I have noticed something very interesting. They cannot succinctly describe it to me. It typically takes them forever. They don't know how to drill it down into three or four things and just explain it to me like that right off the cuff. And that usually tells me that it's too cluttered in their mind. It's not organized well in their head; so therefore, it's not as likely to get done as if it was very simple in their mind.

And so notice the art of simplicity I had today.

I could tell you pretty much every single task I can break down into two or three sentences. That's important because I have learned to identify critical elements, and that's what I work on -- the critical things, the most important stuff for that task.

I'm doing one of those for that first block of time. I'm either writing the copy, creating the product, working on an e-mail campaign, a launch campaign -- stuff like that. I'm just working on something that's going to make me some good money.

The second part of the day I might be connecting with people. I might be fine-tuning my goals. I might be checking my stats and seeing where I'm at there, and I might be just getting ready for new products, whatever the case I have to do that I think is going to set me up so tomorrow I can hit the ground running and doing another very profitable task.

So that's my regimen. And every single day I want to be at least creating something, otherwise I would get depressed.

                                                                    The New Normal 

So you should have stuff you do the same way at the same time every single day in general, otherwise you'll never really get to that unconscious level to where you can work on autopilot because each day will be just like the first time riding a bike. That's going to be the enemy of productivity; so develop your regimen.  

Friday, October 15, 2021

Take Your Business Online : An O2O - GMB Digital Marketing Strategy

With COVID lockdowns forcing more of those purchases online, the e-commerce market is growing quickly. The Pandemic pushed more people to shop online and some estimate that there are nearly 50 times more transactions occurring through e-commerce than conventional retail.

The internet affects the U.S. economy in a variety of ways. Consumers spend about $12 trillion annually in the U.S. market place. That amount is mostly spent locally. Around 81% of consumers go online for product research before buying a product in person. That includes product research, phone and address lookups, consulting reviews and so on. The internet touches roughly $11 trillion of that amount.

O2O -Google My Business - Bidirectional  Retail Offline To Online Marketing and Vice Versa 

With the coronavirus pandemic pushing more consumers online, traditional retailers need to make sure their stores remain relevant for in-store shopping by improving their online strategy.
O2O –GMB Marketing is a new digital strategy that uses marketing strategies to drive ecommerce traffic to offline retail locations. It is a long-term investment strategy that increases sales and revenue for both parties. The best part is that this strategy does not end when the pandemic is

This guide outlines what an O2O-GMB strategy looks like, explains the benefits of turning online sales into physical sales, or even in both directions and describes how retailers can develop their own strategies to set up their business to upgrade to a Omni-channel setup

The O2O-GMB digital marketing strategy will complement the Retail Business Marketing Strategy by bringing physical stores of retailers online ,while those who already have an online presence, the guide will help them to breach the next level to capitalize further to gain more business. This is a way for retail businesses to increase their traffic through the existing social media platforms, email campaigns, and digital advertisements.

One purpose of online marketing is to raise awareness for products and services online. Then, people visit brick-and-mortar stores to make purchases. To promote this retail process, techniques include home delivery, curb-side pickup, and allowing customers to place orders through your website to pick up in-store.
Establishing a unique customer experience online and in store is complicated by multiple concerns, including ensuring that customers feel comfortable buying items over the phone without talking to a salesperson, protecting personal data that may be gathered online, and promoting a loyalty program that incentivizes spending online or in stores.

In short, the digital and physical worlds are becoming increasingly integrated. People are buying and selling products on the Internet, and Google is trying to mediate the two environments. Its purpose is to increase its commercial value
The future of local search is going to be more diversified and distributed than the past.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Money Workbook

 This book is a workbook channeled by the founder of Access Consciousness, Gary Douglas to give you greater clarity and ease with money. Simple steps to getting clarity around money and how to start having MORE!

What if money was just a vehicle to change the world?

What if you were willing to receive unlimited amounts of money?

Money Loves Clarity -Money Mindset Planner Journal

Money Loves Clarity

Is Having a Money Mindset Necessary to Make Money?
There are many ways people can make money. The question is, why do you even need a money mindset if making money is easy?

While the dynamics of making money may be easy, if you are not taking the right steps, you won’t be making enough for it to be worthwhile. You not only want to optimize your money-making abilities, but you also want to keep the money that you do make. Further, you want to make it grow in the fastest possible manner and by the most amount. For this, you certainly want to consider taking on a money mindset.
You need to focus your efforts on opportunities that will give you the highest return. Most people aren’t taught how to do this. They learn it by trial-and-error. Which means, they will likely do the wrong things that will cost them a lot of money. That money took a long time to make. As people age, they have less time to recoup the losses. It’s also tougher to get jobs when you get older.

Money Loves Clarity 

Learning about the right approaches to money management can counter all of these problems. You can try trending passive income techniques to earn money for yourself, but like everybody , you will want to invest your money and get them earning more for you instead

Changing Your Financial Outlook with the Proper Money Mindset

If you look at the profiles of wealthy people, you will find they have a different mindset than others. They know the value of money, and they know the fundamental factors of how to make their money grow. If you are not yet wealthy and feel you are struggling, take some tips from these wealthy people
If your money grows on its own, and the money that you earn ends up growing as well, it’s only a matter of time when this amounts to a decent sum of money. And if you keep adding to the balance, that money will also grow along with it.
The situation is a bit more complicated today with government taxing the growth of money. But, you can invest in an IRA or 401K and have that tax deferred until some future period. .
Stay out of debt as much as possible. The debt will drain your savings and your portfolio. There can be smart uses of debt as long as the result of using that debt brings in more money than the debt itself. But, most debt should be avoided to keep your financial outlook stable.

The Rise of Tokenization - The Perfect Storm for RWA Adoption

The financial world is buzzing with a new phrase: tokenization  .  RWA  It’s not just another buzzword — it’s a revolution quietly reshaping...