Friday, September 11, 2020

The Proper Internet Marketing Mind State

 The Proper Internet Marketing Mind State

So most people will spend 8 hours a day working for somebody else, and then they’ll go home and do nothing. So they’ll put more time into their job than they will into improving themselves. And that’s sad, because once you build skills they transfer into all areas of your life.

And this is another interesting thing. Most people think the difference between a successful person and a failure is like 80 percent. Like a successful person does 80 percent of stuff differently than a failure, and really the opposite’s true. It’s only a handful of small, daily tasks that separates a successful person from a failure.

successful person doesn’t procrastinate; they typically get on with it. And then they usually are interested in feedback more than the result; and they’re confident in their ability, and they’re solution-oriented and able to adapt quickly when stuff happens and respond positively. And really that’s about it. That’s the only difference. It’s not that they’re more intelligent than a failure. It’s not that they have opportunities that a failure doesn’t have or all these other things. It’s just really they just do a couple habits differently and that dictates all the results.

So here’s some stuff that’s specific to internet marketing mind states that are going to really help you get the results that you want. Being in it for the long haul – this drives me nuts more than anything. And I guess I understand. People come into this industry for the most part looking for that quick-fix solution, and unfortunately there are very few of those. They’re far and long and in-between, and most of them rely on luck. Most of them are not duplicate-able. That’s not a very sound business strategy, and this is a business. So be in it for the long haul.

Long Haul

Only lottery winners make a million dollars overnight. This is not a strategic plan of making a million dollars. This is luck. Almost every self-made millionaire I know did it over a long period of time. So what does that tell you? It tells you if you’re in it for the short-term solution, you’re going to get very, very perturbed when it doesn’t happen, and you’re going to be much more likely to quit. If you’re in it for the long haul – this is what I like to say – you’re not looking for instant riches, but you do want instant feedback. And what I mean by that is you want to be able to try something, get an idea, try it immediately, see what happens, and then decide what to do next after you get some results in the marketplace.

Here’s another trick: Speed is important, and this is why there is this seemingly surfacing congruence that I’m now hammering into you that makes a lot of sense. You want to be in it for the long haul, because it’s going to probably take you a while to build the assets, to build the expertise, and to build the contacts and to get the knowledge you need to succeed. But the harder you go, the more you’re going to shorten that curve and the more likely you are to succeed.


So one of my mentors once told me the secret is to condense five years of experience into one year. It usually takes about five years to master something. Anything worth mastering usually takes about five years before you can become a bonafide, off the top of your head expert.

You’ve seen it all; you’ve done it; you’ve got this experience. OK? Now he said the secret to really going to the top of your industry and being successful is to condense those five years into one year. So that means

A) building smart systems that allow you to experience quicker, and

B) it means really burning the midnight oil. 16 hour days are a normal part of my life.

I said to my mom the other day, I said to her, “You know what? I’d rather work really hard now when I have the vitality and the youth and then take it easy in my later life and do exactly whatever I wanted.” I’m willing to pay the short-term sacrifice in order to get the long-term gain. Condense five years in one – that means go hard. If you’re starting out you’ve got to go hard. Go as hard as you can go, and then go a little bit harder. That’s a great mindset. Be happy with small, constant improvement, because you know you’re not going to get rich overnight.

That’s what the instant feedback is for. Get a little better every single day at product creation; get a little better every single day at traffic generation; get a little better every single day at copywriting; get a little better every single day at focusing on one task at a time, getting more done, and being more productive, OK?

This is interesting. This is why you should be in it for the long haul. Most breakthroughs happen by complete accident. So one day I was like I want to try webinars because I have this time management idea that I wanted to share with people, and I didn’t know if it would work or not. I told them that, and I said so I’m going to try this webinar. I’ve never used it before, and I want to see what happens. But I want to do this in real-time, so I can get some real-time feedback here instead of putting it out in a course. I dropped it out there; did the webinar. It was great; it was free, because I was just testing it out.

And then I was walking one day, and I thought to myself, “OK, this webinar software is $97 a month. Are you going to stay on and pay $97 a month or are you just going to cancel it?” And so I was trying to justify in my mind if it was a sound business decision. I said, “Let me find out.” Instant feedback, by the way. I am going to create a product and see if I can launch it as a webinar series. I did, and I made a ton of money from that. I was like, “Wow! This is so easy, and I’m making all this money.” So I’ve since launched 4 or 5 group coachings with that. And we just launched one the other day, why I’m shooting this video, that pulled in $12,000 in 24 hours – in a little over 24 hours. Crazy! And it’s the easiest product to deliver in the world, and it gives them a lot of value. That was by an accident that the breakthrough happened. So then I reinvented my business and incorporated it.

Timing has a lot to do with it, too. Sometimes the marketplace is not ready or sometimes you are just not in the right place. And so that’s why you’re in it for the long haul, so you can be lucky eventually; because the more you do the luckier you’ll get. OK?

This is the path to success. It’s a zigzag; it’s not a straight line. Very few people go from Point A to Point B, where Point A is where they started and Point B is their successfully defined outcome, and get there in a straight line. Usually you’re course-correcting just like a plane which is off-course 90 percent of the time it still always arrives at its destination. So that’s the proper mindset, OK?

One Skill at a Time

The other thing here is work on developing one skill at a time. This is a mindset to have, and this really ties in with the long haul, too. Your biggest leveraged asset – your biggest leverage-able asset is your specialized knowledge because that’s something you have that nobody else has, OK? Gain specialized knowledge in one area at a time.

Make it unconscious, meaning that you become such an expert at it that you don’t even have to think about it; you can just do it. You don’t have to check your notes; you know your notes. You don’t have to go out and study every single day; you have it in your head. You only have to keep it sharp by practicing it. And then it’s unconscious. You can just do it like tying your shoes or driving a car. And then you go out and you do it with the next skill. Then you go out and you do it with the next skill. And really you only need 3 or 4 really good skills to be a stud in this business.

The logical approach is to focus on synergistic skills. You know, I’ve talked about it before. Product creation is a strong asset, specialized knowledge that I have. I can create really great products very quickly. And copywriting is another expertise I have. I have my own system where I can write copy extremely fast, that's very good quality, that pulls the conversion rates that I like. Those are synergistic skills, because you need copywriting to sell your products.

And then the next skill I got really good at was e-mail marketing, marketing to my e-mail list. That is a synergistic skill because once you create a product, once you sell them, then you want to sell them more stuff on the back end. So that’s very logical to master that skill. The next skill I mastered was focus and confidence with my ability to manage my time, and that’s synergistic because that will work with copywriting, product creation, all of those other things.

Now finally here, this is how you get really good at developing one skill at a time. Experience is the mother of skill. You don’t learn how to ice skate by going to a seminar. You learn by strapping the skates on and you have a guide take you out on the ice and show you on the ice. So you learn something by going out and doing it and checking and seeing what happened and going back out and doing it again, not by reading about it in an e-book. That only gives you a map, but looking at a map doesn’t mean that you’re going to arrive at that destination. You actually gotta walk the trail that’s shown on the map. So this is the other mind state, “I’m going to do this one skill at a time. Just keep adding skills to my business.”

Never Hesitate

Here’s another mind state that you gotta have: Never hesitating. Always taking action is how you should frame it in your mind because that’s a positive instead of a negative. But you should eliminate hesitation from your mindset. And this is why. This is the most important thing I can tell you about this. It’s easier to correct a wrong decision than indecision, because a wrong decision will tell you at least, “This way doesn’t work. You should probably look at these other alternatives instead.” Indecision doesn’t tell you crap. You have absolutely no idea. So it’s easier to correct a wrong decision than it is to correct indecision. It’s actually easier to make a wrong decision right than to get the right decision right off the bat, because you’re usually never right right away. You’re usually close, and then you correct the rest of it to get right on the money.

And speaking of money, money is very attracted to speed. Money loves speed. It’s so seductive. Speed seduces money - Money goes to those who act quickly, and so knowing that’s a money magnet you should say, “If money loves to be around people who are quick to act, maybe I should be quick to act. And if I can’t, I have to create a strategy that will then allow me to.”

I like to ask people, “Has there been a time in your life where you absolutely acted immediately and you never hesitated?”

And they’re like, “Absolutely.” And I’m like, “OK, so you can do that. Now we just gotta figure out your strategy that gets you in that state of mind so you can take action,” and then we do that.

“He who hesitates waits…and waits…and waits…and waits.” So do you want to be a waiter? Or do you want to be a receiver? Getting it done and getting some stuff from it.

So don’t hesitate, because you just won’t get anything from it. The biggest difference between successful people and the norm is their speed of implementation like we were talking about earlier. There’s only a handful of differences that separate the winners from the losers. There’s only those two or three or four daily tasks and their approaches to those, and one of those tasks is winners are very quick to take an idea and turn it into something tangible.

And, as I said earlier, work harder on yourself than you do on your business; meaning that if these are problems for you, you should be setting aside some time every single day where you’re doing this stuff to become better at taking action; to be better at learning how to handle criticism; to be better at creating undeniable and insatiable desire. If these are problems for you, you have to handle them. You have to set aside time every single day where you become better as a person with your qualities. So work harder on yourself than you do on your business until you get those qualities that you want. Then you can do anything you want in any business.

Handle Criticism

The next thing here is how to learn to handle criticism. This is very important. This is what kills and cripples a lot of people. You can’t please everybody, all right? And why would you want to anyway? Would you want to please serial killers and bad, bad people that – dictators who commit genocide – would you want to please them? Would you want to please people who will then take your information and use it maliciously? I don’t think you would, so why try to please everybody anyway? This is what I say, and this is what really justifies it in my mind.

This is the corollary to that: Some people are looking for a reason to get offended. They wake up in the morning waiting to get pissed off at something. It’s just how they’re hardwired. And I say, “Hey, I might as well provide them with that value.” Obviously there’s some value that that provides them in their life otherwise they wouldn’t be doing it. I might as well be the guy that gives them that value, so when I offend a couple people, I’m not doing it intentionally, but it just happens as a course of nature.

I say, “Good, they were looking to get offended. They got offended. Job done.”

Now check this out. This is why criticism is going to happen to you. When you try to turn something intangible to something tangible, you never know what’s going to happen. So here’s what we’re doing: We’re taking ideas that don’t exist in the world, that only exist in our mind, and we’re transforming those things from an idea into a thing. Maybe it’s a report; maybe it’s a blog post, whatever the case may be. You’re taking something out of thin air and turning it into something that they can see, touch, feel, taste, whatever. And when you do that who knows what the hell is going to happen. Sometimes it comes out right, and sometimes it doesn’t come out right. And the thing of the matter is, is you really don’t know what’s going to happen till you try it, so some people are going to criticize you. And a lot of people who do nothing, sit on the sidelines, they’re the biggest criticizers, and they’re the people that you should care least about anyway because they don’t know what it’s like to actually get your hands dirty and get in this game. Never really done it before. Proper marketing mindset. Let’s move on.

Know When To Get Out

Know when to get out. This is a very interesting one. A lot of people don’t. They’ve been conditioned with this stupid corollary that they say, “Quitters never win.” And that’s stupid. Every successful person I know has quit several times. Why? Because they chase several different opportunities, and most of them didn’t work. So they quit doing those opportunities and instead said, “I’m going to go off and try something else instead.” Overall, they never quit, but they quit a lot of times when they were going down a path that they perceived to be a dead end. And I say I’m happy with 3 out of 10. If I try 10 new business things and only 3 of them work, awesome. Then I’ll keep those 3, try 10 more things. Some of those won’t work. I’ll keep the 3 that do work, and that’s 6 things. Pretty soon I got 9, 10, 12, 15. Then I got 100 things that work now. Awesome! And I only could get to those 100 things because I got rid of those 7 things in each batch of 10 that didn’t work, OK?

I did a consult with a guy one time. He was like, “I need to get money, man. I’m going to be out on my ass in three months if I don’t. I’ll have to move. They’re going to kick me out.” I said, “OK, let’s look at what you’re doing right now.” He’s like, “Well, I’m making money, man. Here’s what I’m doing.” And he showed me my model. I said, “OK, so it takes you this amount of time to write this article.

This article on the average through ezinearticles gets these many clicks. Out of those people that go to your site, these many people end up clicking on your AdSense ads,” because that’s what he was using, “and then you make this much money a month.” I averaged it out, and I’m like, “You’re making $1.29 an article.” And then in my head I thought, “Did it ever occur to him to run the numbers and to get out?”

This model wasn’t working for him. He needed to quit doing that and find a new approach, and I told him that. I’m like, “Don’t do this anymore.”

We’ve done this in live coaching classes. A lady said, “I’m working on this book that does _______.” And I’m like, “Whoa.” I go, “In my professional opinion, I say stop working on that book because it’s probably a loser and instead do this, and it’ll probably be a winner.” But they didn’t want to get out. They were invested in their own ideas, so whatever. But you can’t manage what you can’t measure, so you gotta be measuring constantly what’s working for you and what your times worth. And if it doesn’t give you the results you want after a certain period of time of you trying it, either change your approach or get the hell out and try something else instead. I know it’s counterintuitive to what people tell you, but it’s true. Don’t be afraid to cut your losses is what it amounts to.

Absolute Desire

Absolute desire is huge in internet marketing. That’s the next one here. This is the one single thing that is better than any NLP strategy that exists on the planet or better than anything else when it comes to motivation or anything for that matter, and that’s absolute desire.

It will keep you going when you want to give up. I have cultivated a burning desire, and I think Napoleon Hill cites that as the most successful common trait that millionaires have. I got this desire where I’m just going to make this work one way or another. I will either – I will either find a way or I’ll create one. Give me a lever – give me a big enough lever, and I’ll move the whole entire world.

That’s what my mindset is, ‘cause I got the desire; if you aren’t passionate about what you’re doing at least 80 percent of the time. Now there’s 20 percent where you should be like, “Aw, shoot. I want to get this done. I don’t want to do this.” But that’s ‘cause you’re pushing yourself hard, and that’s good. But most of the time if you’re not passionate about what you’re doing most of the time then you’re either doing the wrong thing, or you have the wrong approach.

You either need to change how you’re approaching what you’re doing or change what you’re doing, so that way you’re passionate; ‘cause that’s the fuel that’s going to push you to the next level. That’s absolutely mandatory if you’re going to succeed unless you do win the lottery and get lucky, but again that’s not a good thing to bank on.


Finally, commit to do the things that most people won’t do. This is the hardest part, but this makes all the difference. Winners do the things losers don’t; that’s what makes them winners. The trick is to figure out how to motivate yourself to do those things, because they’re the things that are obvious but they’re the things that make all the difference; because people just don’t come up with a solution to figure out how to get there and do those things. And they don’t work on themselves so they can do those little extra things that the losers don’t do. Look for those small, little 5 percent extras. These are biggie. They get 95 percent of results. So, for example, PLR’s. I always re-package them, and I always re-present them so they’re different than everybody else out there. Now it doesn’t take me much longer, but it makes all the freakin’ difference in the world. And that’s like that in all kinds of stuff, OK?

This is hard. This is a weed in your garden you’re going to have to kill. This is something you’re going to have to come up with a strategy for. I’ve worked most of my life on my mind state to figure out how to do those things that most people aren’t willing to do, so that way I can get the results that most people don’t get.  

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