Friday, August 27, 2021

Weight Loss Fitness Tracker Planner Journal

When you measure something, you tend to pay attention to it. When you record something, write something down in a journal or notebook, or otherwise monitor the progress of anything you do, you increase your level of control over it. This not only shows you how far you have to go to achieve a particular goal or set of results, it also reinforces sticking to a regular schedule.

You are naturally more inclined to adhere to a regular workout schedule when you keep an exercise journal. A written out budget has been proven to lead to more financial security and savings than handling your finances without a written plan and record. Any plan of action you undertake has a better chance of delivering the results you're looking for when you routinely record your efforts and progress.

This is why journaling your whole foods weight loss journey
can dramatically improve your results.

                                                                Weight Loss Fitness Tracker  Planner  Journal 

Your Brain Is Begging You to Journal
Did you know that the human brain is hardwired for keeping records? 

It's true. The human mind craves order and repetition. It especially likes it when you do the same thing at the same time, on a regular schedule. This improves the success rate of everything you undertake, because of the difference between the processing power of your conscious and subconscious minds.

However if one takes up the practice , after a short period of time, conscious habits are directed to the unconscious part of your brain. You do something enough, over and over, on a given routine or schedule, and your conscious brain sends the task to your subconscious.

Your consciousness has noticed that this is something that doesn't need to be focused on. You have done it again and again, regularly and repetitively, so your brain instantly realizes no conscious effort or focus is needed. Since the conscious part of your mind cannot handle too much information at once, it is more than happy to give the task over to the incredible processing power of your subconscious.
By weight loss fitness journaling on a regular schedule, your conscious behaviors eventually become unconscious. That means your subconscious brain automatically prepares your body and mind for whatever your journaling requires, the next time a regularly scheduled food journal session arises.
How Tracking Progress Makes It Easier

Now comes the exciting part. You plan to start keeping a weight loss -fitness journal that focuses on eating whole foods and maintaining fitness exercises for weight loss. You want to eat more healthier foods, while cutting back on the types of foods and beverages that are not that good for you. You plan on sticking to a diet accompanied with a fitness exercise routine for at least 30 days. You have this journal, and start tracking and monitor s how it affects you.

When your desire is to lose weight, you will begin to notice food consumption and exercise patterns where your routine behavior either causes your body weight to rise or fall. With your conscious effort on losing weight, your focus will tend towards what eating behaviors and your physical training schedule at different timing , and types of “clean” whole foods and different exercise routine schedule - ,results and lead you in that direction, and away from weight gain.

So you begin reschedule your tracked exercise program and eating concisely based on your tracker performance . . You journal your results, and you begin to notice your weight loss progression increasing and doing the right exercise with a proven track measurement

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Who Am I And Why Is A Growth Mindset Important To Me

Today I want to welcome you to a new series of emails about developing a growth mindset. I hope you’ll get a lot out of this. This concept of being open to learning and improving constantly has been a game changer for me. I hope to pass the same concepts that are making such a difference in my life on to you.

Over the next ten emails, I’ll be sharing some of my best tips and strategies with you here. You can also go deeper and read more about developing a growth mindset over at    


The first step is to recognize when you slip back into a fixed mindset. Here are a few things to look out for including:


        You think you don’t have the talent to do something.

        You think making mistakes is a sign that you’re on the wrong track.

        You think that no matter how much you try, you won’t get better at what you do.

        You think it’s okay to take the path of least resistance and cut corners.

        You’ve stopped learning and trying new things.


Be on the lookout for any of these signs. Recognizing them is the first step towards changing from a fixed mindset to a growth one.

Getting that growth mindset that helps usget better at what we do, reach those lofty goals, and at the end of the daymake us live happier and more fulfilled lives. Today I thought we’d focus on the one thing that roots us firmly into our fixed mindset - fear.

That’s right. Fear is the biggest enemy of a growth mindset. Because it paralyzes you. It keeps you stuck in that little box that feels nice and comfortable.

Back in the day, fear made a lot of sense. And there are times now where a fear response is appropriate. It motivates us to get our taxes done and keeps us from running a red light no matter how late we’re running. Fear has its place, but it’s very bad at judging modern day threats.

Trying something new, putting ourselves out there is uncomfortable. We don’t know what the outcome might be. We could fail.

Fear is what keeps you from striking up a conversation with the pretty girl at the bar. It’s what tells you that applying for the new job or sitting down to write that novel is a bad idea. It won’t work. It’s a waste of time. Or worse, it will embarrass you. Fear keeps you firmly stuck within your comfort zone. If you let it.

Ask yourself this question. What’s the worst that could happen? Play the scenario out in your head. Once you do, the fear will start to recede and you can make a decision. Is it worth the risk, knowing what the absoluteworst outcome could be? If so, go for it.

Suddenly, talking to the girl at the bar doesn’t seem so bad anymore. The worst that could happen is that she tells you she’s not interested. Applying for that promotion is easier once you realize that the worst thing that could happen is that your boss tells you that you didn’t get it. At least you put yourself out there and you showed initiative.

Other times, this worst case scenario shows you what’s really bothering you and you can find a way around it, to mitigate the risk.

Let’s say you’re afraid your novel will bomb and your family and friends will make fun of you. Create a pen name and don’t tell anyone about it. Put your work out there and see how it’s received. If your readers really think you’re a horrible writer, you take the book down. No one who knows you in real life will know. But what if it doesn’t bomb?

 One of the best ways to do that is to work towards your goals consistently. When you’re always striving to do better, always learning, always focusing on the next thing, you can’t get stuck in a fixed mindset. It isn’t possible. So consistency is the key and here are my tips to help you stay consistent.

Tip #1 - Start Small

It’s much easier to stay consistent when you have a small daily goal. Something that you can accomplish even when you’re having a bad day, or you don’t feel like doing the thing. Let’s take writing a novel for example. It’s a daunting task and something that doesn't seem possible. But you can write 200 words per day. Do that every day and at the end of the month you’ll be several chapters into that book.

What’s a small daily goal you could set for yourself to move in the right direction? Don’t try to be too ambitious. Make it easy. You can always increase your daily efforts later. For now, focus on daily consistent action.

Tip #2 - Keep Track

In addition to taking small daily action, I suggest you write down what you’re doing. Keeping track helps you stick with it longer. The idea here is to create a chain or streak, and then not to break it. Write down what you did that day.


Change Your Subconscious Money Mindset , change your life

Are you ready to step up and change your subconscious beliefs about money? So many people are held back by their subconscious beliefs about money, work, and deserving.
Do a quick check of your own money mindset.
Do you think that it’s hard to get rich?

Maybe you can’t see a way out of living from one paycheck to the next. Perhaps you dream of ‘one day’ clearing all the bills and being debt-free.
The good news is that your mindset can be changed. Let looks at various points the journal will provide some guidance

Most people tend to think that their finances are impacted by external factors that they have little or no control over. But the most important factor in whether you stay in Struggle Street or move into wealth is where you expect to be. Somewhere deep in your subconscious, you have several money goals or set points. They set your expectations for how much money (and debt) you expect to have. You have control over these beliefs.

Most of your beliefs about money were set by your childhood experiences. How did your family experience money?
What were the messages you received?
Chances are your family’s money mindset was like many others – money is hard to get, doesn’t grow on trees, and only the lucky few are rich.
If there were hard times, was there an expectation that they were temporary and better times would come?
Or was money seen as elusive or scarce?
Once you have identified where your money mindset came from, you can take back control and reset it for abundance.

Root out past Financial Failures
Everyone goes through bad times, but it’s up to you how you deal with the legacy. Maybe past failure continues to haunt you as a reminder and reinforcer of your former negative money messages.

Feeling guilty or sad about past failures is not an excellent way to build a positive future. Acknowledge your past mistakes and move on to focus on better things.

There are some very effective ways you can use physical methods to shift old belief patterns that are no longer serving you. Techniques like Tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques) use gentle tapping on acupressure points to help focus your mind on unblocking negative emotions.

Once you have cleared away old beliefs, you can set new, positive money goals. You will have the freedom to make positive choices. Instead of focusing on the difficulties of paying bills, you can change your expectations and focus on the wealth you want.

Set aside some time every few weeks to look back on what you've tracked. Seeing how far you've come in such a short amount of time will motivate you to keep going.

Tip # 3 - Plan Ahead

Last but not least, it’s a good idea to plan ahead. When you know what your next step is, it’s easier to get started in the morning. When you are anticipating obstacles, it’s easier to find a way around them. Planning ahead keeps you from being tempted to give up or take a day off.

Are you ready to give this a try? We have more than 40 worksheets with  many chapters of written to accompany you along for a  good journal  setup and progressive change to a positive change in  Money Growth Mindset

Let me know how these tips are working for you and which one is your favorite.

Cryptoassets: The Innovative Investor's Guide to Bitcoin and Beyond

 The innovative investor’s guide to an entirely new asset class—from two experts on the cutting edge

With the rise of bitcoin and blockchain technology, investors can capitalize on the greatest investment opportunity since the Internet. Bitcoin was the first cryptoasset, but today there are over 800 and counting, including ether, ripple, litecoin, monero, and more. This clear, concise, and accessible guide from two industry insiders shows you how to navigate this brave new blockchain world—and how to invest in these emerging assets to secure your financial future.

Cryptoassets gives you all the tools you need:

* An actionable framework for investigating and valuing cryptoassets

* Portfolio management techniques to maximize returns while managing risk

* Historical context and tips to navigate inevitable bubbles and manias

* Practical guides to exchanges, wallets, capital market vehicles, and ICOs

* Predictions on how blockchain technology may disrupt current portfolios

In addition to offering smart investment strategies, this authoritative resource will help you understand how these assets were created, how they work, and how they are evolving amid the blockchain revolution. 

The authors define a clear and original cryptoasset taxonomy, composed of cryptocurrencies, cryptocommodities, and cryptotokens, with insights into how each subset is blending technology and markets. You’ll find a variety of methods to invest in these assets, whether through global exchanges trading 24/7 or initial cryptoasset offerings (ICOs). 

By sequentially building on the concepts of each prior chapter, the book will provide you with a full understanding of the cryptoasset economy and the opportunities that await the innovative investor.

Cryptoassets represent the future of money and markets. This book is your guide to that future.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

#TrendingNow Cashing In With The Power Of Social #LiveVideo Marketing Workbook Journal

The Power Of Social   #LiveVideoMarketing Workbook Journal

Over the years, the amount of video content has grown exponentially, leading to a flood of video content on live broadcasting platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and others. As you know, four out of five people are likely to watch a video . That's why live streaming is so popular these days.
With a live video streaming strategy, companies of all sizes can engage with their consumers and potential consumers and create important relationships through video integration.

Live video marketing therefore offers the opportunity to do just that. It is easy to build authority, commitment and authenticity, and for most , it is affordable and has a proven record of effectiveness
It's therefore very justifiable to all marketers - why live Video Marketing should be an important part of your marketing plan. The question is whether it should be part of your next campaign.

Live Video marketing isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Live streaming is a natural extension of the live video marketing and will remain an online marketing niche for the foreseeable future.
It opens up a new world of interactivity, and you should take advantage of it. As live streaming becomes more popular, it is not as expensive as older l video marketing method . All you need for a live video stream is a solid and stable internet connection, a good camera and HD quality recordings.

Another advantage of live video streaming that you will feel like you're in the room with the customer. For example, you can show them a demo version of your latest product and in parallel , engage with customer on real time interactively Or sometime you can show them the office and introduce them to your employees in real time. With the help of social media platforms like Instagram and facebook, companies lift the curtain to show what they are made of to their customers - and live streaming makes it easy to do so.

When used correctly, live streaming can help create community. In fact, platforms like Periscope allow people to comment simultaneously with the livestream so that your audience can interact with each other. This can help to forge a community. When people connect in this way, it will improve the user experience.
Consider adding live videos to your marketing plan. It is quickly becoming one of the best strategies to implement and with this guidebook

Cashing In With The Power Of Social Live Video Marketing Workbook Journal

This workbook will provide a clear guidance through a Social Live Video marketing action plan with well formatted layout for social media engagement on various platforms for daily-weekly and monthly work monitor , workflow , tracking and measuring on progress and so much more. It includes over 65 worksheets to help you get your action plan in order and keep everything within your checklist progress to a total Social Live Video Marketing program

#TrendingNow -The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the War

 The groundbreaking investigative story of how three successive presidents and their military commanders deceived the public year after year about the longest war in American history by Washington Post reporter Craig Whitlock, a three-time Pulitzer Prize finalist.

Unlike the wars in Vietnam and Iraq, the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 had near-unanimous public support. At first, the goals were straightforward and clear: to defeat al-Qaeda and prevent a repeat of 9/11. Yet soon after the United States and its allies removed the Taliban from power, the mission veered off course and US officials lost sight of their original objectives.

Distracted by the war in Iraq, the US military became mired in an unwinnable guerrilla conflict in a country it did not understand. But no president wanted to admit failure, especially in a war that began as a just cause. Instead, the Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations sent more and more troops to Afghanistan and repeatedly said they were making progress, even though they knew there was no realistic prospect for an outright victory.

Just as the Pentagon Papers changed the public’s understanding
of Vietnam, 
The Afghanistan Papers 

contains startling revelation after revelation from people who played a direct role in the war, from leaders in the White House and the Pentagon to soldiers and aid workers on the front lines. In unvarnished language, they admit that the US government’s strategies were a mess, that the nation-building project was a colossal failure, and that drugs and corruption gained a stranglehold over their allies in the Afghan government. All told, the account is based on interviews with more than 1,000 people who knew that the US government was presenting a distorted, and sometimes entirely fabricated, version of the facts on the ground.

Documents unearthed by The Washington Post reveal that President Bush didn’t know the name of his Afghanistan war commander—and didn’t want to make time to meet with him. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld admitted he had “no visibility into who the bad guys are.” His successor, Robert Gates, said: “We didn’t know jack shit about al-Qaeda.”

The Afghanistan Papers is a shocking account that will supercharge a long overdue reckoning over what went wrong and forever change the way the conflict is remembered.

Own the A.I. Revolution: Unlock Your Artificial Intelligence Strategy to Disrupt Your Competition

 Disrupt your industry, boost profitability, and grow your business with a powerful A.I. strategy.

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is on the verge of disrupting every domain of human existence. What does that mean for your business? Everything. Building on the power of A.I. is the factor that will determine success or failure in the very near future—and this in-depth guide from the man who designed the A.I. system that famously won Jeopardy provides everything you need to be a leader in this revolution.

Own the A.I. Revolution provides a future-forward look at A.I.—how it will look in the coming years, the countless business opportunities it will offer, the risks that come with it—and delivers the knowledge you need to navigate it all in real and practical ways. You’ll learn how to:

•Find the right off-the-shelf A.I. solutions for your needs

•Perform a cost/benefit analysis of implementing A.I. into your business strategy

•Train and test A.I. before fully committing

•Assemble superior teams to steer your A.I. future

•Ensure you remain current and ahead of the curve

You’ll also find interviews with today’s top experts and A.I. thought leaders on the exciting ways organizations are already transforming themselves through this revolutionary technology.

A.I. sounds scary to some, but the best business leaders see it as an opportunity—as a way not only to drive profits and outpace the competition, but to build value for customers and make the world a better place. It’s time to face our brave new A.I.-driven world—and make sure you Own the A.I. Revolution!

Monday, August 16, 2021

A New guide on monetization rules and how to make some money from YouTube Shorts

As a social media platform, TikTok is now the busiest platform out there, and rightly so. With over two billion downloads, TikTok deserves the title of one of the largest social media applications available. At the same time, YouTube has an audience that is massive enough to compete with TikTok, which is one of the main reasons for its latest feature. YouTube and TikTok are similar in many ways. 

YouTube launched in India last year after banning TikTok, sparking a new era of beta testing. After a period of success, YouTube brought the feature to the US and added additional features to improve the user experience. 

Youtube Shorts 

Both platforms offer the ability to upload music from their libraries, with the ability to add text, change speeds, and set timers and countdowns. TikTok also offers augmented reality filters to spice up videos, while YouTube is short but not quite there yet. In addition, YouTube plans to expand its audio capabilities in the future to allow users to record audio clips from existing YouTube videos. 

However, there are some differences that separate TikTok and YouTube. Although TikTok does not allow users to record 15-second videos as needed, it does allow users to upload multiple videos within the app. 

One of the differences that will determine the success of shorts on YouTube is that it is not a traditional social media app. With TikTok, users can create, view and share videos with friends, but unlike TikTok, YouTube does not have such a format. 

While YouTube allows users to create long and short videos, it is not used as a platform for communication or instant messaging. Instant messaging may seem trivial, but it's important for a younger audience that tends to share viral videos. Since YouTube is not intended for instant messaging and is not based on creating, watching and sharing shorts, it will be difficult to measure the success of TikToks. 

Youtube Shorts 

With such brilliance and innovation, it is hard to think of another platform that can surpass both of them  except  maybe Instgarm Reels 

. If you want to spice up a video or add some aesthetics, TikTok is the way to go. Unlike YouTube, which had a brief initial phase, TikTok allows users to add reality filters that YouTube does not add. The duration of a video is very similar to what YouTube makes up for with its short 15 seconds.    

 The Major difference between  both is  What TikTok does is upload, share and watch videos with friends. YouTube allows anyone to upload something short, but there is no concept of instant messaging. This is only possible if you are talking to a friend. 

Tiktok Vs Youtube Shorts 

That gives TikTok the upper hand. For a popular application, it is difficult to communicate with users for less money. The infrastructure of the platform is not designed for this. YouTube Shorts is not a special application. It has a built-in application experience. Now the creators who create these short videos on YouTube are soon to be rewarded for their work. YouTube has monetized Shorts recently.

YouTube seems to have blended both long and short-form content so that brands can utilise it effectively.

With thousands of eCommerce websites available on the net, you’ll want to have some exclusive engagement to stand out and captivate your shoppers. And, YouTube Shorts for eCommerce allows you to do just that.

As per the statistics,

•        There are more than 12-24 million eCommerce websites available on the internet and more are getting created every day.

•        A study also shows that the videos no longer than 2 minutes gain the maximum engagement and likes.

•        YouTube Shorts generates more than 15 billion global daily views, up from 6.5 billion in March.

•        YouTube also announced a $100 million budget for paying its creators of Short videos.

•        One figure claims that around 90% of consumers have discovered new brands via YouTube.

•        One study by Think With Google states that 50% of consumers claim that online video helped them make a final purchase decision.

This makes video content highly desirable for brands as it can directly affect the path-to-purchase journey.


Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Social Live Video Streaming In Your Influencer Marketing Strategy

 Online Video Marketing has again breached a new level .

Video has been very accessible to anyone with internet access, both to watch and to produce. While the technology is trending towards higher quality video on a professional level ,but with new enhancement , its ease of use has made it possible for anyone to hop onto their laptop and create their own video in under an hour
Social Live Video Streaming In Your Influencer Marketing Strategy

The global live video streaming market is estimated to reach $128 billion by 2026 and is one of the most valuable vehicles for marketers and brand advertising.

Live streaming on social media is a relatively new phenomenon but more and more brands are adapting their social media strategies and influencer marketing strategies.

Many Online Marketers are doing a crossover to social live video streaming and the trend is catching steam. Live video streaming differs from video content in that video content is recorded and accessed directly by the user. It takes the form of a broadcast in which the creator videos be transferred simultaneously to several users. A live video stream transmits the video in real time over the Internet.

You don’t need to be ‘sold’ on the reasons why you need a video marketing strategy, but let’s be real, it feels daunting to even start. Creating video content sounds simple enough on paper but when it comes down to actually whipping out your iPhone and going Live . Where do you even start?

Yes, it can be intimidating thinking of yourself as the star of your videos; however, is there a better way to reach your ideal audience and showcase your coaching style AND expertise all at the same time?
Remember, don’t overthink this process. You don’t need a fully equipped studio, nor do you need a hair and makeup team. 

Everyday people film millions of videos by simply hitting the Record button on their smart phones. Give it a try…I bet you’ll be surprised at how easy the whole process is.

With a well crafted workbook as your guidance ,this book will guide readers to explore with the type of content they wish to record and publish , get some decent feedback or measure on analytics about what types of video perform best for you.

Are you ready to get started?

Altcoins Will Popping  In March — Here’s Why

What’s Happening in Crypto Right Now? Think like a bitcoin millionaire  Alright, so if you’ve been paying attention to crypto lately, you’ve...